Working hours of tower2
Working hours of tower2

The interval needs to be of a minimum half an hour, In certain cases, the State Government may exempt some factories from this limitation. This section states that the maximum time for which a worker will work before the interval time period is 5 hours. Special Point: The maximum limit can be increased in certain cases after the permission from the Chief Inspector

working hours of tower2 working hours of tower2

It states that a factory should allow a worker to work for more than 9 hours per day. Keeping in view the weekly working hours limit prescribed by Section 51, this section states the limit on a daily basis. This section is nothing but the extension of Section 51. Special Point The State Government may prescribe the manner in which the holidays will be given This section states that if in any case, the factory in under any provision cuts-off a holiday of the worker, then the factory is under due pressure to give the same number of holidays to the workers within the time period of two months. (b) Secondly, the manager of the factory has, before the said day or the substituted day under the clause. (a) Firstly, he has or will have a holiday for the whole day on one of three days immediately before or after the relevant day. But this provision applies subject to certain conditions: This section states that no adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a factory on the first day of the week. It states that no factory would ask the workers or make them work for more than 48 hours a week.

working hours of tower2

This section lays down the maximum limit on working time for a worker in a factory on a weekly basis. 2 Solved Question For You Working Hours Provisions, Under the Factories Act, 1948 Section 51: Weekly Hours

Working hours of tower2